SPoke #6
Microelectronic based Technologies
Spoke Description
Leader Partner: STMicroelectronics
Leader: Andrea Di Matteo
Affiliated Partners
The activities planned in the Spoke 6 will reinforce STMicroelectronics’ value chain and its impact on Environment, Energy, Smart Mobility, Smart Agriculture and Health domains. This will help ST to grow as a technology enabler of the twin “green & digital” transition, providing new enabling devices at the cutting edge of the wide bandgap and silicon semiconductor technologies, along with proofs of concept and tested platform solutions.
The main goals are to:
- Support designers and developers of the ecosystem to meet and comply with the announced commitments on Nation’s “long-term low greenhouse gas emission” (GHG) development strategy, to tackle climate changes and GHG globally.
- Support the remarkable growth due to vehicle electrification trend and the power conversion advancement due to the novel SiC and GaN semiconductor devices and companion architecture and technologies.
- Exploit SiC and GaN capabilities, fostering innovative devices and solutions for emerging and growth on power sections for industrial applications.
- Make the advancements available on sensors and communication for IoT applications in the Environment, health, smart agriculture domains. In these domains, to exploit the latest algorithmic and AI solutions.
- Make the Samothrace project a real boost for innovation in the ecosystem at Local, National and European level, leveraging on industrial and academic partnerships as a private/public valuable network.
MicTex: Dissemination
Determination of theEquivalent Thickness of aTaiko Wafer Using ANSYSFinite Elements Analysis
24 Luglio 2023
Last Updated on 4 Agosto 2023 by Segreteria Vincenzo Vinciguerra, Giuseppe Luigi Malgioglio, Antonio Landi and Marco Renna Leggi l’articolo completo qui