SPoke #4
MIcroSysTEms based Routes to Innovation
Spoke Description
Leader Partner: CNR
Leader: Vittorio Privitera
Affiliated Partners

The research activities are devoted to the study and application of innovative materials (including nanomaterials), advanced processes, microelectronic and optoelectronic devices and systems to the following application fields: Energy, Environment, Smart Mobility, Health, Precision Agriculture, and Cultural Heritage. The research will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team involving 15 CNR institutes (IMM, coordinator, IBE, IBF, IBFM, IC, ICB, IFT, IPCB, IPCF, IRIB, ISMN, ISP, ISPC, ITAE, and URT Labsens), INGV and the two PMI, i.e. LPE and STLabs.
- Energy. The primary objectives are Sustainable Solar Energy production and Energy Storage devices and the development of laboratory-scale demonstrators of third-generation Solar Cells based on photo-active Perovskite layers and of carbon-free fuel systems for hydrogen and ammonia production. The activity includes researching mitigation measures and/or remedies for specific manufacturing procedures with environmental impact and extended durability of the proposed technologies.
- Environment. Four big R&I activities have been identified: i) materials and platforms for wastewater treatment; ii) sensors for water monitoring; iii) sensors for atmospheric environment monitoring; iv) devices for preventing and alerting for environmental risks.
- Smart Mobility. The main goal is the development of the process for a new class of high-power devices with a breakdown voltage of 3.3 kV, high current, and very low Ron through “killer” defects reduction in the epitaxial layer and an increase the area of the devices.
- Health. Four main activities will be carried out during the project timeframe: Nanomaterials-based biosensors; Development of devices for cancer diagnostics; Development of portable medical imaging and smart healthcare systems and devices; Environment-related health devices.
- Precision Agriculture. Promotion of the sustainability of the agri-food chain through: (i) irrigation water quality management (monitoring and treatment), (ii) agrochemicals efficiency improvement, (iii) plant status monitoring. Innovations efficiency will be tested in open field and controlled environment.
- Cultural heritage. Development of: (i) innovative mobile instrumentations for non-invasive characterization; (ii) low cost and eco-friendly cellulose based SERS substrates for the identification of dyes; (iii) nanostructured and self-cleaning materials for preserving paintings and other artefacts. (iv) Metagenomics’ studies to analyse microbial communities inhabiting artefacts.
MiSteRI: Dissemination
Infiltration of CsPbI3:EuI2 Perovskites into TiO2 Spongy Layers Deposited by gig-lox Sputtering Processes
Last Updated on 4 Agosto 2023 by Segreteria CNR-IMM, spoke 4 WP1 Energy (in sinergia con UniMessina dentro il consorzio Samothrace) by Carlo …
Emerging SiC Applications beyond Power Electronic Devices
Last Updated on 1 Settembre 2023 by Segreteria by Francesco La Via, Daniel Alquier, Filippo Giannazzo, Tsunenobu Kimoto, Philip Neudeck, Haiyan Ou, …
Last Updated on 1 Settembre 2023 by Segreteria by Viviana Scuderi, Marcin Zielinski and Francesco La Via Leggi l’articolo completo qui
Preventing lead leakage in perovskite solar cells with a sustainable titanium dioxide sponge
Last Updated on 4 Agosto 2023 by Segreteria Salvatore Valastro, Emanuele Smecca, Giovanni Mannino, Corrado Bongiorno, Giuseppe Fisicaro, Stefan Goedecker, Valentina Arena, …
First Characterization of NovelSilicon Carbide Detectors withUltra-High Dose Rate ElectronBeams for FLASH Radiotherapy
Last Updated on 3 Agosto 2023 by Segreteria Francesco Romano, Giuliana Milluzzo, Fabio Di Martino, Maria Cristina D’Oca, Giuseppe Felici,Federica Galante, Alessia …
Radiation Hardness Study of Silicon Carbide Sensors underHigh-Temperature Proton Beam Irradiations
Last Updated on 3 Agosto 2023 by Segreteria Elisabetta Medina, Enrico Sangregorio, Andreo Crnjac, Francesco Romano,Giuliana Milluzzo, Anna Vignati, Milko Jakšic, Lucia …